Shetland Sheepdog Puppies
Known on the scottish island as toonie dogs, toonie being a farm. Used for keeping the sheep, ponies and hens in order but also part of the family. Collie, icelandic dogs and even a King Charles Spaniel are reputed to be in their background.
Appearance of Shetland Sheepdog Puppies/ Dogs
Black rim around eyes
Long, thick tricolor coat
Dense mane
Close-set ears
Smooth hair on face
Origin UK
Life Span Over 10 years
Height range 14-15 in (35-38cm)
Weight range 14-37lb (6-17Kg)
Color sable, blue meri, black and tan, black and white
Character intelligent, faithful and obedient. Gets on well with children and adults. Makes an ideal family pet
Exercise enjoys plenty of exercise.
Grooming daily grooming using a stiff bristled brush
Feeding 1 - 1 1/2 can (400g size) of a branded meaty product, with kibbles added in equal parts by volume.
Temperament tendencies Clean, gentle little dogs. Keen and willing to please. Really enjoy companionship but tend to dislike the attention of strangers. Sensitive, quick to realize if you are displeased. With an early start, can become very obedient.